27 January 2014

Insta Life

Traffic jam
Outfit of the day
NYE Preparations
Ready for some special girls

26 January 2014

Royal Blue

Good morning, darlings!
 I managed to take these pics just before the blizzard started, on Friday. 
It was the calm before the storm. Terribly cold and windy, but I had to show you
 this color, so I did my best to stay still in front of the camera. 
You already know that I don’t like Winter and cold, but I really hate snow. 
And as lucky as I thought we were during December, January decided to hit us with the biggest white blizzard, ever. It is literally impossible to leave the house, so I’m staying in, preparing and wrapping the packages with the skirts for my special girls. 
It’s official, now! Everybody said this is the most beautiful color of them all and 
I’d have to agree! Can’t wait to create more outfits around them. It will probably be the one and only Winter I will be able to look chic, without freezing my ass off. 
You can find this royal blue beauty, here
One small tip for you, guys: I’ve recently discovered this pair of Philippe Matignon 
Thermo Effet tights and I must say they are the best. They are not even that thick, 
but I feel like I have pants on. I’ve found them at Golden Point. Well, my mother did, actually, exasperated by my refusal to wear pants during Winter. 
Have a wonderful and warm day, guys! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

24 January 2014

Red Riding Hood

                                                           Good morning, darlings! 
One more color on the palette and my favorite of them all. 
It’s such a pity I didn’t get to take some proper pictures of it, but I promise I’ll make it 
up to you.It’s literally impossible not to love this color. I’m not the biggest fan of red, 
but this shade is way too beautiful. Can’t wait to wear it with my over the knee boots 
and The perfect coat. Valentine’s Day look? Might be...
As always, you can find it here
Two more colors coming up, plus a post about shopping during the Sales season. 
Have a wonderful weekend, guys! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

23 January 2014

Spring Break

Good morning, guys! 
I can’t believe I was actually wearing this outfit a few days ago...
Believe it or not, everything I’m wearing here, except for the accessories, 
was bought during the sales. I have the jacket from last year’s Spring-Summer sales, 
but I bought this beautiful embroidered blouse and the boyfriend jeans a few days ago. Perfect pieces for this Spring and since the weather was so beautiful during 
the weekend, I decided to mix and match them. 
Have a wonderful day! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

22 January 2014

Grey Shades

Good morning, guys! 
I know, I know...I am the worst blogger! I am so very sorry, but I’ve been 
through a rather ugly stage, healthwise. Fortunately, I am back on track, now! 
First of all, I would like to thank you for your wonderful messages and interest in my new path, as I like to call it. I am extremely happy you liked the skirt and I can’t even explain how flattered I was by the numerous orders. The fact that I’m on the right track is stated by the „thank youˮ emails you’ve sent me... I am literally speechless...
Thank you, with all my heart! 
As a response to your questions, yes, the skirt will be available in a wide color palette. 
I chose to show you this neutral version, today, because you can easily mix and match it. Plus, you can wear it to work, school, going out with friends, or for a final sales shopping...battle. It’s comfy, chic and flirty...and you gotta love those wonderful pirouettes! 
I know I do! I did my best to stay still for this shoot, mostly because I need to keep my head straight and focused on what I have prepared for you. 
You can order it here
I hope you’ll have a wonderful day, darlings! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

14 January 2014

Love Story

Good morning, guys! 
This is a story of a girl that loves beautiful fabrics and clothes. 
A story about me...and you! A story about everyone around us, probably. 
Ever since I was a little girl I used to talk with my best friend about this issue 
and our biggest wish was to be able to make for ourselves the clothes that sometimes (way too often) were so impossible to find in stores. Well...this was just children’s talk, 
but the frustration I gathered through the years led me to this decision. 
I am going to start making my own clothes! One step at a time, learning from my mistakes and constantly trying to improve myself. Don’t get me wrong...
I am not a new so-called designer, nor will I ever be! I’m just a normal person somehow refusing to stand in line and fight for a piece of clothing in order to be able to wear something nice. So, here I am, twirling in the middle of the street in my new designed skirt. I love it to death, mostly because I was craving for one just like this for years, now. 
If you’re interested, you can find it here.
Have a wonderful day, darlings! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

07 January 2014


Hi, guys! 
Here it is...the first outfit post of 2014. 
Luckily for us, but mostly me, it’s still pretty warm for this time of year, 
so I’m still able to dress like a...crazy person. The ˮmanˮ behind the camera told me 
to name this post „Live from Bahamasˮ, cause my outfit would be appropriate only 
for that weather. Anyway, what does he know?! Me...I am crazy in love with this skirt, mostly because it’s the type of item that you can easily dress up or down. 
This time I chose the comfy version, cause I had a sales shopping session ahead. 
Have a wonderful new year, darlings! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

03 January 2014

2013 Retrospective

Hi, darlings! 
It’s that time of the year, again...
the day we draw a line and compare the good with the bad, the success 
with the failure, the results with the work. Well, this year I am not going to do that. 
I had my ups and downs, my good and bad days, but most importantly I learned a lot, mostly from my mistakes. The most important thing I know for sure at the start of this new race is that I want more. From life, from me...and I am going to work twice 
as hard for it! I’ll make it through, just watch me! And I’m sure that you’ll do, too! 
Chase your dreams, build your life and climb up, one step at the time. 
And remember, believe in yourself! Cause if you don’t, no one else will! 
Just be the best version of yourself, nothing more, but nothing less. 
As for this past year, thank you so much for being here for me! 
Your support totally means the world to me! 
While I was reviewing last year’s outfits, I draw a conclusion: I’m a Summer girl! 
Always have been and that’s never going to change...Today, at the beginning of January, 
I have my hopes up that Winter is here just for a short visit. 
Enjoy this year at its best, guys! And thank you...a million times!   

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

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