23 February 2014

My New Favorite Sweater

Hi, guys! 
You already know that I love every single piece of clothing with an open back, 
so this blouse must come as no surprise for you, guys. You’ll be seeing this detail on 
a lot of pieces this Summer, cause in my opinion, this is the sexiest part of a woman’s body. This woman, right here, froze to death while taking these pictures. 
It’s warm for this time of year, but still...every single inch of my body 
was craving for the jacket. You can find the blouse here
Have a wonderful weekend, darlings! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

21 February 2014

Moody Weather

Good morning, birdies!
 The weekend is just a few hours away...I just can’t believe how fast time flies. 
This is my first real free weekend in such a long time, but what’s more than weird 
is that I can’t even say that I’m happy about it. Having such a limited amount of free 
time during these last years, made me that annoying type of person that’s more of a 
pain in the ass, than a relaxation companion. I somehow feel useless, 
and I’m constantly under the impression that I’m wasting time, 
except of actually doing something. It’s a nightmare to be around me, I know. 
Next week I’m finally planning to launch the Spring fabric version of this little flirty skirt, 
so stay tuned. Until then, I’m dealing perfectly with this moody weather 
wearing my skirts with over the knee boots and bare legs.
 Oh, that perfect time of year...you gotta love it! 
Have a wonderful weekend, darlings! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

19 February 2014

Not The Average School Girl


Hi, darlings!
 I can’t believe Spring is finally here. 
The rays of sunshine, the first blades of grass, the snowdrops peaking out 
of the dark soil...the birds are singing and so am I! 
It’s a joy to run errands these days, so I am more than thankful! 
I must admit this was my only elegant outfit in almost two weeks...
I had so many things to do during the day, that I was basically living in biker boots
 and jeans. I can’t even describe how excited I was to wear heels again! 
I have so many things to tell you, but I promise I will prepare a special post really soon. 
I have to get back to work, now! New Spring pieces are coming soon! 
Have a wonderful and sunny day, guys!

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale


07 February 2014

Set Fire To The Snow

Good morning, darlings! 
Rise and shine! Someway, somehow I got accustomed with this horrid weather. 
I still hate it, though, I just tolerate it better! 
My initial thought was to show you something appropriate for Valentine’s Day, 
since we’re one week away from it. Things out in the open, now, I never actually
 understood this...celebration! It kinda reminds me of Halloween. 
A marketing tool that it’s somehow spooky for some of us...men, mostly. 
Still, most of the world seems to love it, so we must accept and embrace it!
 As I was saying...I had this outfit in mind, but the night before I realized that I have to go to the office and run some urgent errands, so my skirt got all wrinkly and puffy until 
the actual shooting. Good thing that it wasn’t actually Valentine’s Day! 
But, let’s say this is an outfit you can easily wear to work, before getting together
 for a romantic dinner with your lover! Just hide those tights from your boss! 
Have a wonderful weekend, darlings! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

Blouse: Zara (new collection)
Skirt: buy it here
Heels: Zara (ss11)
Clutch: Musette (new collection)
Necklace: Zara (aw13)
Tights: Calzedonia (new collection)

06 February 2014

Anna Karenina

Hi, sweeties! 
I must confess I’m going through a beautiful period of my life, right now. 
It takes a lot of work, a lot of lost hours of sleep...and a few kilograms less, 
but the fulfillment and satisfaction I feel makes it all worth it!
 I can’t believe this is the first time I’m wearing my „perfect coatˮ this year. 
I love it so much, but I’m somehow terrified of wearing it when I have a lot of errands 
to run. Why is that? I have the impression that I’m tearing everything down when 
I move around. I am like the elephant in the china shop! 
Of course I had to wear it with the black version of my full skirt, and my new shoe crush. 
I just can’t wait to wear these babies with boyfriend jeans! 
Spring is on its way, right? As always, you can find the skirt here
And...thank you for everything! With all my heart! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

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