31 May 2012

Let's Do the Twist!

 Hi, sweeties! 
I was having some doubts whether to post these pictures or not, 
since I’m not at all pleased with how they turned out. But since I didn’t have time to
 take any outfit pictures today, here they are. I hope you’ll like the outfit, though... 
I promise I’ll do my best to take some proper shots of it in the near future, 
cause I’m definitely planning on wearing it again. I am absolutely in love with this skirt, although my legs look like spaghetti sticks in it. Oh, well...still loving it!
Oh...and for those of you who wonder why did I choose this necklace for this outfit, 
the response is in the last pic. It matches perfectly with the pink detail on the bustier. 
A black/gold one would have been a way to obvious and boring choice, in my opinion.
Have a fab day! 
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When in Barcelona...

I know it’s been a while since I promised I’ll make this post, but time is my toughest enemy, right now. Finally, here it is...my trip to Barcelona in a few words. 
Although I’ve visited quite a few, there’s no country in the world I love more than Spain. 
I don’t know if it’s the wonderful and impressive architecture, the amazing landscapes, 
the delicious food, the perfect beaches, the beauty and kindness of the Spanish people or just the fact that I love the history, language and mostly...everything about this country. Amongst all its wonderful cities, my personal favorite would be Barcelona. 
Perfection in every way that is possible, I must say! 
The city of Gaudi brings everything to another level: absolutely impressive architecture, delicious food, the beautiful beach and a great selection of stores making Barcelona 
one of the top shopping destinations in Europe and my personal shopping Heaven.

In front of my hotel: Plaza Catalunya

If there’s one thing that I don’t like about this city is the multitude of large 
boulevards and adjacent streets. Don’t get me wrong, it’s impossible not to like’em, 
but it’s kinda hard to get around if you’re not used to them. 
Anyway, I’m not the typical tourist type...I don’t exactly feel the need to visit or take pictures of all the famous sights. I’ve always said that if I want a beautiful picture with 
the Eiffel Tower or Sagrada Familia, in this case, all I have to do is Google it. 
I know, I know...I drive my mother insane with this kind of thinking, too. 
But I do have an obsession with the local architecture. I love to take pictures of normal buildings, stores, public buildings, houses...don’t ask me why, I just do. 
Still, if you want to see everything there is to be seen in this city I definitely recommend the Barcelona City Tour HOP-ON HOP-OFF Bus. The ticket costs 24€/adult, 
but it’s available one whole day, giving you permission to get on and off the bus and visit every objective or part of the city you want and even change between the two routes available. You will also receive a map of the city with short descriptions of every stop, 
plus an audio guide that will assist your journey.

The hotel where I stayed was exactly in the Catalonia Square, so I had one of the 
main stations just in front of me. The location was indeed perfect since I had one 
El Corte Ingles just in front of the hotel and direct access to Passeig the Gracia, Barcelona’s main shopping boulevard.

30 May 2012

Forest Green

Good morning, guys! 
Just another casual outfit for today...
 I must admit that this leather jacket has become my best friend, lately! 
I really missed wearing these pants and I was dying to wear them with this particular leather jacket (because of the matchy-matchy gold details, obviously). 
Also, here is another one of my Barcelona purchases I’m particularly proud of: 
these gorgeous sandals. Perfect match for my Candy! 
I hope you’ll like the outfit!
 Have a wonderful day! 

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27 May 2012


Hi, guys! 
June is just around the corner, but it’s raining like there’s no tomorrow, 
here. Seriously, now...Summer, where are you?! 
About the outfit, this is just something casual I wore the other day. 
I’ve been craving for a skull printed scarf ever since I saw the famous Alexander McQueen one, but let’s face it, the price is way too exagerated. So, I decided to find something similar, but affordable. From my decision to the actual act of buying it...well,
 let’s just say that a few wrinkles and gray hairs appeared. Ok, I’m overreacting now, 
but still...it’s been a while. All until last week, when I found this silk beauty at Topshop. Mint green and skulls?! It can’t get any better than this, so I had to have it! 
Hope you’ll have a wonderful Sunday, sweeties! 

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25 May 2012

After the rain...

Hi, guys! 
Just a quick update for today. 
This is what I’m wearing today. 
I hope you’ll have a wonderful and sunny weekend! 

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24 May 2012

Bond Girl

Hi, sweeties! 
I have to say that I’m sick and tired of this horrible weather. I hate the humidity, these sudden heavy rain showers and the fact that I don’t even know what to wear, 
because I’m either melting or trying to find a dry place to escape the flood...
Anyway, this is what I wore to work on Tuesday. 
The rain started pouring the moment I got home, so I was lucky enough not to ruin 
my sandals. You know me...I’m not the one to dress for comfort and the weather conditions are just some obstacles I have to avoid. Avoid, not adapt to...
Anyway, I was searching for this peplum top since forever and, finally, I managed to 
find it in Barcelona. It was the last one and in my size, even. Since black is definitely 
not my color, I avoid wearing it too much, so this is my first all black outfit ever. 
I just had to try this combo even though I had to face my mother’s disapproval 
when she saw what I was planning to wear. She loved the final result, though, 
so I guess it was a success! I hope you’ll like it, too! 
Also, I would like you to meet my new baby: The Furla Studded Candy Bag. 
I had my eyes on this one since last year, when I saw the rainbow colored versions, 
but the neon colors and the see-through-ness weren’t exactly my cup of tea. 
But this one...it had to be mine! So prepare yourselves, cause you’ll be seeing it a lot! 
I hope you’ll have a great day! 

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23 May 2012

Quick update

Hi, guys! 
A very quick outfit post for now. 
Have a wonderful day! 

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22 May 2012

Essentials by Moja

Essentials – young, creative, colored, urban, statement, basic

Exuberantă, colorată, versatilă și îndrăzneață, colecția întruchipează
tendințele sezonului de primavară-vară și este dedicată femeii contemporane,
care îmbrățișează o atitudine urbană, avangardistă și lejeră totodată. 
Fie că alegi să mergi la birou, la cafenea, la film, la concerte sau în vacanță, piesele
Essentials sunt perfecte pentru orice joc vestimentar de mix&match.
Grație cromaticii puternice, marcată de culori neon, de nuanțe de roz,
alb, negru și bleu, dar și de accente de animal print, Essentials însumează
piese atent create pentru formele și viața femeii urbane și creează un look
actual, diafan și totodata marcant.
Piesele colecției Essentials by MOJA, pot fi achiziționate de pe
www.moja.ro, un online fashion store și totodată un concept inovator de
agregare a ideilor tinerilor designeri romani, care le ofera ocazia de a-și lansa
conceptele sub forma unor colecții accesibile, precum Essentials by MOJA.

21 May 2012

Back in business

Hi, guys! 
I am back home from Barcelona and all I can say right now is that I’m extremely exhausted, but happy and content at the same time. Now I have to put everything 
back in order, but in the next days I will tell you everything about my journey, I promise. 
As for the outfit, same story...something I’ve put together in the last minute. 
Have a great week! 

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20 May 2012

Casual Chic

Hi, sweeties! 
For my first outfit with this dress I chose to add this short jumper, the pins and the studded bag to make it more casual, as I wasn’t aiming for that studied elegant look. 
It was the perfect choice for a Sunday...last Sunday afternoon spent with my boyfriend.
 I hope you’ll have a wonderful day! 
As for me, while you are reading this, I am on my way back home from Barcelona. 
I can’t wait to tell you all about this journey! 
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18 May 2012

Desperate Housewife

Hi, guys!
 I fell in love with this skirt the moment I laid my eyes on it, so I knew I had to 
take it home with me. Since then, for almost one month and a half, I’ve been waiting for the perfect occasion to take it for a spin. During this period I’ve been searching
 for that perfect short top to mix it with, but, unfortunately, I failed miserably. 
Finally, this week, Idecided I won’t wait anymore...so I wore it with a white shirt tied around the waist. It was the perfect outfit for work and I loved it to bits! 
I hope you’ll like it, too! 
Have a wonderful weekend! 

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Happy birthday, Bijou!

I honestly can’t believe this little creature is already 1 year old. Time really flies! 
But it has been a great year, during which he brought me so much joy, happiness and love. He’s the cutest, most intelligent and loving creature and that comes from a person 
who’s a declared cat lover. I am very grateful for its existence in my life 
and I hope every single one of you will have the chance to experience 
this incredible feeling at one moment in life! 
Happy birthday, Bijou!

16 May 2012

Peeking Lingerie

Good morning, sweeties! 
Words cannot describe how much I enjoyed wearing this outfit. 
Ok, now I’m overreacting a bit, still this was one of my favorite from the outfits 
I wore lately. And that’s mostly because I am wearing two of my favorite pieces, 
right now: track pants and these incredibly comfy sandals. I’ve already told you how much I love’em and how incredibly comfortable they are, so it comes as no surprise
 that I had to buy three different color versions of them.
 And I don’t even consider myself a shoe addict...yeah, right! 
About the outfit, I wanted this lace Asos body to be the center of attention, 
so that’s why I chose to mix it with two loose pieces. At first, I wanted to use a blazer, 
but I like the effect this metallic sweater is giving to the outfit even more. It’s that studied negligence I was aiming for in the first place. Anyway, I’m just sorry I couldn’t take the pictures outside, we are having a very difficult and windy weather, this week. 
Hope you’ll have a great day! 

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15 May 2012

H&M Fall 2012 Lookbook

I know it’s not even Summer yet, but the moment I saw this preview I knew 
I had to show it to you, guys, asap. I am just too excited! 
How awesome are these pieces, seriously, now?!

14 May 2012

Work Outfit

Hi, sweeties! 
This week, everything will be on fast forward... 
At the end of the week I will be in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities and my 
personal favorite, to be more exact. So you can imagine how excited I am, 
still...there are many things to be done until my departure. 
About today’s outfit...this is just something simple I wore to work last week. 
The moment I opened the Asos parcel and I saw that the pants I ordered are the exact same color as these Zara shoes, I knew I had to wear them together. So here it is! 
I chose something simple for the upper half, but I added this handbag to break 
the balance. I hope you’ll like it! 
Have a wonderful week! 

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13 May 2012

Spring Mode

Good morning, sweeties!
 I have a full day ahead of me, but it’s a day of relaxation and fun, 
so there’s nothing I want more. 
Have a wonderful day! 

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11 May 2012

Pastel Frenzy II

Hi, sweeties! 
Well...this is actually what I’m wearing today. 
I absolutely adore pastels and I guess you already know that, but mint green is 
definitely my favorite color, at the moment. I hope you like it, too, cause 
believe me, you’ll be seeing it a lot this season. 
Have a wonderful weekend! 
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09 May 2012

Color Splash

Hi, guys!
 Just a quick update for today. 
I’m at work right now, so I’ll leave you with these pics. 
Hope you’ll have a wonderful day! 

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07 May 2012

Work Outfit

Hi, guys! 
This is just something simple I wore to work, last week. 
I can’t believe how high the temperatures are, around here. 
Feels like we are in the middle of Summer! Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but I want 
to wear my blazers so much! Hopefully, the weather will come around and spoil us 
with some Spring appropriate temperatures. 
I hope you’ll have a wonderful week! 

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06 May 2012

Same old, Same old

Good morning, guys! 
This is just something casual I wore on Friday when I went shopping. 
As you can see, I kept the same accessories I used in my previous outfit and that’s 
only cause I developed an inoccent obsession on these powdery pink tones. 
So you’ll be seeing them a lot around here. 
Anyway, sorry for the frowny faces, this is what I hate about taking my pics 
outside when it’s so bright and sunny...
Have a wonderful Sunday! 
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04 May 2012

Pastel Frenzy

Good morning, sweeties! 
Finally I get to enjoy some free time, today, but since I have tons of errands 
to run and places to go, I won’t exactly enjoy it at its best. Still, the weekend is here 
so we might as well act like it. So, what are your plans for the next days? 
 Me...a little work, a little fun, a little shopping, as usual. 
As for the outfit, this must be one of my favorites from this Spring. I hope you’ll like it, too! Have a wonderful weekend!

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