30 July 2012

Things to do

Hi, guys! 
Today’s look is something very casual I wore last week on a day
full of things to do and errands to run. 
Have a wonderful week! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

27 July 2012


Hi, sweeties!
 Just a quick update for today. 
Have a wonderful weekend! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

24 July 2012

Insta Life

Hi, guys! 
Long time no see...
I’ve been a terrible blogger, I know, but there is nothing I can do about that, unfortunately. I’m having a very hectic schedule lately and on top of that, I was „blessedˮ by the higher authorities with no internet connection at home for almost a week.
 It’s really shocking to realize how addicted you are to something, the moment you don’t have it anymore. That addicted that I finished my 1 gb mobile internet traffic
 in less than four days. Talk about maniacs! 
Anyway, here’s a glimpse of my life from these past ten days. 
Have a wonderful week, darlings! 

Today’s outfit
Walk in the park with Bijou
Finally, I bought the nude pair of heels I needed. 
Not quite what I was searching for, but still...

19 July 2012

Shopping Outfit

Hi, guys! 
Just a quick update for today. This is what I wore on Sunday. 
Something casual for a day spent shopping the sales...and not finding anything. 
Oh, well...Have a fabulous afternoon! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

18 July 2012

Peplum Mania

Hi, sweeties! 
I fell in love with this top the moment I saw it. 
And you all know that when you’re in love you tend to do crazy stuff. 
Crazy for others, though, cause for me is something quite common to go all the 
way across city in search for my size. You already know that I love everything with ˮpeplumˮ included in its visual or verbal description, so I had to have it. 
This one and every other one I’ll manage to find, and that’s a promise!
 The whole outfit easily came together, since I added the accessories guided by the color palette on the top. Sure, I wanted to wear it with a pair of boyfriend shorts, 
but since I don’t own one at the moment, I chose this one, instead. 
Anyway, gotta go now! I’m still searching for that perfect pair of nude pumps
 and the clock is ticking...fast! Have a great afternoon! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

16 July 2012

Work Outfit

Hi, guys! 
Just a quick post for today featuring an outfit I wore to work last week. 
I hope you’ll like it! 
Have a wonderful week! 
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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

15 July 2012

For the weekend...

Hi, guys! 
Although I had in mind something totally different for my first outfit with this skirt, 
it ended up this way. These were the first clothing pieces I laid my eyes 
on today and...these were the same pieces that ended up thrown together 
as quickly as you say: damn, this Summer is too hot! 
Well, not really, but this is the only thing on my mind, lately.
 Anyway, I hope you’ll have a wonderful Sunday! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

14 July 2012

Insta Life

 One month in pics

 Outfit of the day

 Outfit of the day
 My favorite

13 July 2012

Voulez Vous?

Good morning, birdies! 
Just a quick outfit post for today. 
I hope you’ll have a fabulous weekend! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

12 July 2012

Neon Frenzy

Finally...good morning, guys! 
I’m very sorry for my absence, it’s been a hectic week for me, here.
Being home alone is really not that fun when you take into consideration all the responsibilities you’re being left with. Four fellow companions are suddenly not that cute and fuzzy, but needy and...many, I have to admit. Anyways, enough complaining...
this is what I wore yesterday to work. Something chic and casual to keep me 
through the day on these crazy temperatures. 
Have a wonderful day, sweeties! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

09 July 2012

Work Outfit

Hi, guys! 
I just got home from work and the only thing on my mind, right now,
 is taking a very long, cold shower. This heat is absolutely unbearable! 
As much as I wished for Summer to arrive, now I can honestly say that I can’t take it anymore! As for the outfit, this is just something I wore to work last week. 
Have a great evening!

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

06 July 2012

Badabing Badaboom

Hi, guys! 
Although at first I thought this skirt is totally not my style, 
now I’m constantly searching for reasons to take it for another spin.
 For my third outfit with it, I chose this simple black Asos corset, because I wanted to make it look more like a dress. I thought about adding a belt to highlight the waist and
 to break this all black look, but I will keep this idea for my next outfit with it. 
I have some animal print in mind...hmm...
Anyway, in the end I went with my Dorothy heels, keeping it all clean and simple.
 I hope you’ll like it! By the way, can you see Tommy peeking behind me? 
Have a wonderful weekend! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

05 July 2012

Work your magic

Hi, guys! 
Just a quick update for today with one of the outfits I wore to work this week.
I’m off to take my parents to the airport. Some home alone time coming my way! 
Have a great afternoon! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

04 July 2012

Studded Flower

Hi, sweeties! 
So sorry for the late post but I’m having a very hectic period lately. 
I just got home a few minutes ago and uploaded the pics I took in the morning. 
So here it is, the outfit I wore today! I was literally stalking and harassing every employee Zara has in all its Bucharest stores, ever since I saw this jacket online. 
That’s how much I love it! Personally, I’m not very into denim jackets. 
Don’t have a reason for that, I’m just not their biggest fan. But, this one is perfect!
 Denim perfection with every inch of it, I’m telling you! And since lately I love everything studded, this jacket couldn’t have been an exception. 
So, on Sunday it finally came home with me and today I took it for its first stroll!
 In the morning, that is, cause before I got home this city transformed itself into 
an oven from the MasterChef kitchen. I had to make this analogy, since now 
I’m watching MasterChef US’s third season. You gotta love this show! 
Have a wonderful evening, guys! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

03 July 2012


Hi, sweeties!
Just a clean, simple look for today.
Have a fabulous day!
Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

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