31 August 2012


Hi, guys! 
As I’ve already told you on my previous post, lately, I have absolutely 
no inspiration whatsoever when it comes to creating an outfit. In my head? Blank! Absolutely blank! I stare at my closet and all I can see is...nothing to wear. 
Anyway...you know how it is! The worst feeling ever! So, being so desperate and all, 
I’ve decided to reinvent one ofmy old looks. The outfit is kinda the same, 
but a little different. It worked for me that day, but I still prefer the initial version. Anyway, meet my new pair of fabulous pants! You just got to love this shade of royal blue. Can’t wait to wear them with my studded leather jacket! 
Have a wonderful weekend, dolls! 

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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

29 August 2012

Pastel & Frills

Hi, guys! 
This is just something simple I chose one day, last week, 
when I had absolutely no idea what to wear. 
Since I chose two basic pieces, these cute accessories were just what was missing to 
make the outfit look feminine and girly. You just gotta love this clutch! 
It’s the cutest thing ever, I’m telling you! 
Have a beautiful afternoon! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

27 August 2012


Hi, sweeties! 
The moment I saw this skirt online, I couldn’t help myself to think of all 
the various combos I’ll make with it. I was so anxious...
Well, that anxious that I totally forgot about it this Summer. 
Anyway, here it is! Something simple with a pop of neon! 
Have a wonderful week! 
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Instagram @mysilkfairytale

26 August 2012

Super Casual

Hi, sweeties! 
This is just something super casual I wore last week when I took Bijou for a walk
 in the park. I’ll leave you with these pics for now, cause I have a blog photo shoot later on today, that I have to get ready for. Keep your fingers crossed for me! 
Have a wonderful Sunday! 
With love, 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

23 August 2012

Summer Layers

Hi, guys! 
This is just something I wore the day after the wedding. 
Keep in mind that I was awake for more than 30 hours, so be gentle. 
Have a wonderful day! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

22 August 2012

Back to reality

Hi, guys! 
First of all, I would like to thank you, all, so much for the amazing feedback 
I got on my previous post. I’m really glad you liked it, it really means a lot to me! 
Keep in mind that I’m definitely going to keep my promise and take some proper 
pictures of the dresses very soon, so stay tuned. 
Until then, here is something I chose to wear on Monday, inspired by 
my fabulous blogger friend, Ana. Hope you’ll like it! 
Have a beautiful day! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

20 August 2012


Hi, guys! 
First of all, I would like to thank you for the emails you’ve sent asking me 
why I was so absent from the blog lately. It probably sounds very selfish of me, 
but I preferred to enjoy every second of the free time I had, without worrying whether 
the light is good, or the camera is charged. You know what I mean...when something tends to become a burden and not a pleasure, the best thing is to stop doing it. 
Not having a photographer following me around all the time is pretty tough and one 
of my main problems and personal regrets regarding this blog. Anyways...I’m not justifying, I’m not making excuses, I’m just explaining the situation. 
So, yesterday I attended my cousin’s wedding, event that I was telling you about 
ever since July when I started looking for my dresses. I chose Maria Lucia Hohan, simply because I love her designs, the simple lines and the luxurious fabrics she works with. 
This is the outfit I wore during the day, at the church ceremony. 
I fell in love with this dress the moment I saw it, mainly because of the color 
and secondly for its ballerina-like shape. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of letting
 the „picture takingˮ activity on the last minute, just before I had to change with the second outfit. The lighting was terrible, I was extremely exhausted, so the pictures 
turned out to be a huge mess, unfortunately. I’m only publishing them cause I 
promised I’ll show you, guys, the dresses. But...one of the main goals on my agenda 
in the near future is to ask one of my photographer friends to take some 
proper pictures of me wearing these dresses, because really...it’s such a shame
 that you’re not able to see their beauty...
Have a wonderful week! 
With love, 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

12 August 2012

Weekend Casual

Good morning, guys! 
Just a simple, casual outfit for today. Something I wore last week on an afternoon 
spent in the park with my boyfriend and Bijou. I want to take this opportunity to
 thank you, guys, from the bottom of my heart for being here every day for the last year. 
I just reached over 1 million page views, today, and that is huge for me. 
Thank you, again! It truly means a lot! 
Have a wonderful Sunday! 
With love, 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

09 August 2012

Perfect Afternoon

Hi, guys! 
Just a quick update for today. 
I’m going to take a quick bite to eat, then I’m off to see my boyfriend,
 whom I’ve missed so much since he’s been away. A walk in the park with Bijou...
 I will probably squeeze in some shopping...all these make the perfect afternoon. 
I hope yours will be the same! 
With love, 
Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

07 August 2012

Dirty Dancing

Hi, guys!
 I’ve been dying to wear this combo, ever since I bought this jacket. 
I just had to wear this skirt someway other than the usual classic housewife style. 
And these studded pieces did the trick! As long and...full this skirt seems at a first glance, believe me, it’s like Heaven under it. So it was perfect for this weather together
 with this short bustier! All for an evening out with my boyfriend. 
I literally felt like those girls in the old movies, with the ponytail and all.
 Anyways, I hope you’ll have a great afternoon! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

06 August 2012

Insta Life

 Outfit of the day
 In the park
 Outfit of the day
 Outfit of the day

05 August 2012

Last Sunday

Hi, guys! 
I just got home a few minutes ago after a beautiful day spent at my grandparents. 
Lots of memories, lots of mixed feelings, lots of regrets because time goes by so fast. 
I miss my childhood so much and I would give anything to have 
the chance to relive that period of my life again! 
Anyways, this is just something casual I wore last Sunday, but then again, 
you already saw a preview on Instagram and Facebook, back then.
Well, this is the full outfit with the only item I bought on sale, this Summer. 
This beautiful, amazing, perfect studded floral silk shirt. I’ve told you that 
I developed an obsession on florals, lately. The only thing that
 I don’t really like about it, it’s that the pictures don’t do it justice. 
Hope you’ll like it, though! 
Have a great evening! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

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