11 October 2011

Make your choice

Hi, guys! 
This outfit was supposed to look a little different, but since even I got tired of the 
color block trend, I decided to go for a white, simple blazer instead of the green one, I picked up first. Has this happened to you? 
You think of an outfit, you’re excited and you feel good wearing it, 
but when you see the pics with it, you’re quite disappointed of some of your choices. Whether is the absence of a statement necklace or too much jewelry, 
the wrong pair of shoes or the wrong choice of a handbag, instead of a clutch or even...
I don’t know...the wrong mix of clothing pieces, colors or textures. 
Seriously, don’t you hate those moments? 
I have an entire collection of this kind of outfits. Maybe I’ll show them to you, guys, sometimes, if I’ll find the courage. I was just kidding, they’re not that bad...I think...
Well, I think the fact that I enjoyed wearing them is the most important! 
About me, I think I’m getting down with a cold. 
Since this sudden change of temperature, I’ve been feeling very weak and frail. 
So excuse my face and posture in some of these and future outfit pics. 
I’m trying to keep you updated as good as I can!
About this particular outfit, I have to say that this must be the first time I’m wearing a blazer without rolling up its sleeves and now I understand why I haven’t done this before. 
The cold outside was my excuse, this time. I promise it will be my last!
We live and learn, guys, that’s the truth! 
Have a wonderful day!

Blazer: Zara
Jeans: Zara
Shirt: H&M
Heels: Zara
Clutch: Musette
Flower accessory: Glow
Earrings: H&M
Ring: H&M


Cailin´s Place said...

great outfit!love it!i dindt know your blog so follow you!!!hope u can follow me back!kisses!!!


My Fashion Tale said...

It happens to me too but I delete them right away :) love the polka dots shirt and the turquoise accessories ;) xoxo

Unknown said...

Fantastic the blouse and lovely flower!!Kissess


Natalie Leung said...

wow pretty! love your blue flower the most :)


Elodie said...

I love how the lipstick really complements the outfit! Looks gorgeous!


Deborah D said...

so pretty,I really love your style
Fashion review

maphi bayolo said...

i love the outfit , looks amazing on you xoxo

Happy Singu Hansen said...

Simply gorgeous Alina. You are beautiful!!!

Emma said...

love ur outfit! xo

My Face Hunter

deniz saatçioğlu said...

Sometimes I feel the same. Sick of colors and go with nude ones like you did. I love this white blazer and the flower on it. You look gorgeous


JelenaR said...

Beautiful colors,I love it!Special flower!<3

Anonymous said...

You look amazing lovin the colors and that chic blazer

fashion doctor said...

chic si romantic , dar in acelasi timp so cool! imi place floarea! xx

Andreea♥ said...

Beautiful outfit! I love the blouse! :*

Baby Budget Blog said...

Oh yes, that has happened to me on many occasions. The camera knows best I guess :) The white blazer is a nice touch with the jeans and the polka dots!


Unknown said...

I like this outfit...especially your pois shirt!

Fashion Crazy Ball and My Facebook Page

Dubravka Gadžurić said...

very cute, love dots!

Mia said...

Lovely this look!!! The flower in the jacket is amazing ;)


Alina said...

Thank you so much,lovelies!xx

Anonymous said...

gorgeous! Love the polka dot blouse :)

XO Sahra

Unknown said...

you look so cute :)) love your blouse! kisses

Unknown said...

beautiful Look..
Nice Blazer: Zara

Alina said...

Thank you!xx

Rach said...

That blazer is too cute! I love the flower on it


monella said...

I like your shirt :)

daiana said...

Alinaaa, wow, a trecut ceva vreme de cand n-am mai postat un comm, asta pentru ca am fost foarte ocupata cu inceperea facultatii, n-am avut nici net o perioada. M-am uitat la toate postarile toate si sunt minunate, asa, mai varatice. Sincer nu stiu cum a venit toamna, sau mai bine zis iarna la cat de frig este. Am fost sambata la circ, era cald frumos cand am intrat, iar cand am iesit nu-mi venea sa creeed, futuna, ploaie, frig, groaznic!
Sincera sa fiu, nu stiu de ce, dar nici mie nu-mi place sa port sacoul sau geaca cu manecile lungi, lasate, ci imi place sa le ridic, se vede mai interesant, sau nu stiu de ce. Nu pot sa nu te felicit pentru pantofii tai Miu Miu, sunt superbi! Sunt curioasa daca s-ar fi vazut mai bine bluza asta cu un sutien negru, daca incerci sa-mi spui cum ti s-a parut.
Chiar imi pare rau daca n-o sa postez prea des, dar sunt foarte ocupata cu facultatea, teme, proiecte, stii si tu ... dar cu siguranta iti voi vizita zilnic My Silk Fairytale.
Chiar sunt curioasa ce vei purta in sezonul rece, pentru ca eu nu prea stiu si de obicei pe sub palton sau geaca sau altceva port ceva subtire, gen tricou, bluza sau pulovere foarte subtiri.
Te pup si te astept cu noi postari! Felicitari pentru toate cele postate pana acum! xoxo

John B. Marine said...

White and royal blue come together nicely with this post. This is a very nice casual look. Much respect to you on such a lovely look!


Charlotte B said...

Love the jacket with the lovely corsage, what a great way to add an extra touch to your look. Love the heels too xx

Di£ll@ said...

love your outfit ! so pretty ::: kisses

Alina said...

Daiana, mi-ai lipsit! Ce mai faci?! Chiar ca...parca nu am mai vorbit de o gramada de timp! Ma bucur ca ai avut rabdare sa parcurgi toate postarile si ma bucur si mai mult ca ti-au placut!
Este adevarat, sunt hotarata sa ma imbrac mai varatic pana in noiembrie. Sper ca vremea sa tina cu mine si sa reusesc sa fac asta! Deja am vazut pe strada oameni imbracati cu paltoane, geci de iarna, ugg....Daca ne luam dupa experienta anilor trecuti, vom avea parte de frig cel putin 3-4 luni. Daca acum imbracam paltoane si cizme, cand vor fi -15 grade, ce mai imbracam?! Si eu sunt exact ca tine, in afara de cizme si cateva esarfe, garderoba mea de iarna poate fi adaptata usor primaverii sau toamnei. Bluze subtiri, rochite, tricouri chiar...da, si eu sunt la fel! Nu sunt o fana a gecilor groase, paltoanelor sau puloverelor foarte groase!Suntem inca tinere, nu?!O sa avem destul timp pentru toate astea, cand vom fi nevoite sa ne protejam mai bine de frig.
Ai fost la circ?!Ce frumoooos....si eu tot zic sa ajung, dar mereu aman. Acum ca mi-ai adus tu aminte, promit sa-mi fac timp cat de curand!
Legat de sacou...eu ii ridic manecile pentru ca mi se pare ca se vede mai bine. E mai tineresc, in primul rand si in al doilea rand, poti vedea foarte bine in pozele astea ca manecile par foarte largi, desi este un xs. Am mainile subtiri si lasandu-le jos, parca par si mai subtiri!Ma bucur ca ti-au placut pantofii, si mie imi plac mult, dar sunt foarte incomozi!
Legat de sutien...bluza este o nuanta mai deosebita...un alb murdar/un bej mai deschis, ceva de genul...si un sutien de alta culoare arata foarte ciudat. De parca am ales la intamplare o bluza si am aruncat-o pe mine! Am incercat chiar si cu unul turcoaz pentru tinuta asta, dar nu...In plus, nu port niciodata sutien negru la bluze/camasi/rochii deschise la culoare si mai ales, albe.
Iti multumesc din suflet pentru mesaj, mi-a facut o deosebita placere sa-l citesc! Multa bafta cu facultatea si sper sa mai vorbim!
Te pup

azu said...

Alina, you look absolutely beautiful! You look amazing with your hair up like that :)

Those jeans are super cute with that outfit.


Mannequins Dream said...

loveee the blue flower blazer! :D Xx


A Blog With Us said...

Lovely choice, I love the blouse dear, xoxo

Oreleona said...

omg i rally love this outfit!! love the blazer and polka dotted top!!

Andreea said...

Take care of you with that cold, honey, we don't want you sick:(
Love the colors and that thingie you did with the flower brooch:D Yum!

LOLA FINN said...

Fantastic, baby!

Ashley said...

Hi Alina! You are so amazing with your comments! It's so cool that you follow my blog. I'm loving this look on you, especially the white blazer. I've been looking for a white blazer lately, of course it's the wrong season! Maybe I'll wait until Spring and see what Zara puts out.

Alina said...

Ashley, you re absolutely amazing!I love every single one of your posts!

Jessie said...

lovely outfit! love the blue clutch.

Shels415 said...

Well it's a very sophisticated outfit..love it! Especially the added flower! I have a white ruffled blazer that is amazing but on camera it's too bright..but you inspired me to try again.


Kait H. said...

i love this look! simple and chic!!
It looks so classic, and good blazer and silk shirt is seriously always my go to outfit! When i cant think of anything to wear i gravitate towards it instantly lol!

cute outfit girl!!


Fashionista said...

Fabulous look! Love your style!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog - brilliant. This is such an amazing, strong look.



Alina said...

Thank you so much,sweeties!It means a lot!xx

Danica said...


Mónica C. Welton said...


Anonymous said...

I love the white crispy look! The pop of turquoise looks fantastic!

Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

Plami said...

Such a beautiful outfit! You have an amazing style! I love that you're not afraid to wear colors!:)



Emanuela said...

Gorgeous top, very cute!!! Love your last look, such a pretty green color.

xo Emma

Tima said...

Ive been looking for a white blazer all over the place. I just love how sophisticated they look.

Editor & Chic

Closet Fashionista said...

I love this outfit! Especially the shirt and bag :)
and yes, I have the same problem sometimes...sometimes outfits just don't come out like we plan :)

Musa said...

I love that flower detail! ^^ Cute outfit!

Joandy said...

white is a great change against bright colors, love your polka dot top, adore your clutch too!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment =)
Maybe we can follow each other ? =)*


stylemailbox said...

fantastic blouse and i love your jeans!

come visit me!

Unknown said...

so gorgeous...I adore the white blazer xxx

Bonnie said...

The skinny jeans really make this outfit, I think. I am in love with your blazer, too!

Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Hallie said...

Yes, those moment happened to me too, I have so many un-post pictures in my cumputer, just beacuse I didn't like the way after the pictures came out, as you said, either too much or something wrong.

Love your white blazer and blue clutch combination.

Hallie said...

Yes, those moment happened to me too, I have so many un-post pictures, because I didn't like the look after the pictures came out. :)

I love your white blazer and blue clutch combination. :D

Social Emissions said...

Looking fierce but still pretty and girl in these pictures. I'm loving it!

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me with your kind words. Are we following each other yet ? Because I'd love too!


Carlinn said...

Very pretty and classic look!

Alina said...

Thank you so much,sweeties!xx

Gray Lavender said...

That always happens to me! I'm glad i'm not the only one :D
Fabulous white blazer & love all the blue with it!!


Mani said...

Lovin' the shoes! Great look!

Raquel T.G. said...

Love your shirt and pants!! :D

coco said...

esti o frumusica si o finuta :) si floareaaa aiaaa...super !

Alina said...

Multumesc din suflet, Coco!:*

Unknown said...

Woow, this outfit is fabulous! LOVE your blazer!! :))



DailyGlamour said...

love that pretty blue color !

Aurè said...

Great look, I think You can wear everthing . . .but You look every Meravigliosa! . . .Cheers!
puoi indossare qualsiasi cosa ma . . .sei sempre molto Elegante e affascinante.
Stay Happy
Ciao dall'Italia

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Beautiful outfit Alina! I adore your blue clutch and you always have the most divine jackets! xxoxooo


Alina I'm so happy to hear from you!!

My bed was really austere, I agree, but so warm and comfy :-D I slept really well :-)

Have a nice day, and i send you a big hug!


Borjana said...

The blouse is gorgeous!Love the blue details to spice up the look!

Alina said...

Thank you so much,sweeties!xx

Flaviana Boni said...

Great look dear!

Dress up for armageddon

Crónicas de mi armario said...

Perfect, as usual. Nice shirt!


Call me M said...

You look amazing from head to toe. This is a great outfit! In fact, I browsed through your archieves and loved your style! Really chic and elegant. Plus you have a killer body.
Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I'm really glad I found yours. I'm your newest follower on Bloglovin'. Hope to see you again soon! :)

Fictitious Fashion said...

Love everything in the outfit.. the polka dot shirt looks fab! I wish H&M store was near my place too :\

THe rose brooch is glam!! gr8 heels too :)


Alina said...

Thank you so much,sweeties!xx

Demy said...

Ooooh, come on. I'm sure that the outfits you're talking about are as amazing as every outfit of you! It's just that sometimes we feel weird lol! I'm in love with your style though! This outfit is so greatly put together, I love everything. The sheer shirt is super sexy, but not trashy, and the polka dots are so cute! The blazer rocks as well, and don't be too harsh! The sleeves look fine lol! :D You're amazing from head to toe! Btw, I hope you won't come down with the flu :S This weather is causing our bodies to go crazy... It's the worst season to catch colds...

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