04 April 2014

Gloomy Weather

Good morning, darlings! 
Yesterday was one of those days...both sunny and cloudy, but the wind was 
present every step of the way. My hair was all over the place, but fortunately, 
we managed to take some decent pictures in the end. Cause of course I’m showing 
you only the good ones, that’s what we, bloggers, do. 
For the people who actually saw me, I was the girl with the hair mask. 
Anyway, I was so excited when I finally found this pair of high-waisted jeans. 
I was looking for one since forever and of course I had to find it in Zara.
 I was that excited that I actually got upset on my boyfriend who sincerely told me
 that they look terrible. I usually listen to him, but this time he ended up going back to 
the store to get’em for me. I love’em too much! I’m doing my best to restrain myself from wearing them every day for the rest of my life. Now tell me, am I a Zara addict or not?! 
Have a wonderful weekend, darlings! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

Jacket: Zara (ss13)
Blouse: Zara (new collection)
Jeans: Zara (new collection)
Clutch: Zara (aw12)
Necklace: H&M
Bracelets: H&M and Massimo Dutti
Heels: Dune


Miu Miu said...

Pantofii sunt superbi, iti sta minunat. Te-am visat aseara, Alina :)) Aveai cizmele de la H&M in picioare :))

Te pup


Girly said...

adorable look!!!! like ur jeans sooo much n it looks perfect on u)))))) have a wonderful weekend, too))) xoxo)))

darkolivee said...

woowwww amazing shoes Alina
love it

Unknown said...

Love this neutral look with the leopard! And those jeans look fabulous on you.. sometimes you just can't listen to the boys! But what a sweetie for going back and getting them for you:) Have a great weekend!


Jaela said...

Such a cute outfit...Love it

Ema said...

Buna :)
Ce fond de ten folosesti? Si eventual si tipul tau de ten. Pup, esti o frumoasa si bafta in continuare la facut hainute noi :P

ChocolateFashionCoffee said...

great heels, dear :)

ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
ChocolateFashionCoffee INSTAGRAM!!!

Adina Nanes said...

Eu personal nu ma omor dupa pantalonii cu talie inalta, nu dau bine pe mine, dar pe tine arata fenomenal :D :*


Unknown said...

Love your hair like this! I think some of the best pics are when the wind blows hair around, but of course not so crazy that we can't see your face! Haha, cute look girlie! It's been awhile and I wanted to stop by and say hello!

Shasie Live Life in Style
Founder of Houston Fashion Bloggers

Alina said...

Pe bune?:))) ce tare! Esti fashion obsessed, dear! Uite asa te dai de gol! Te puuup

Alina said...

Buna, Ema! Din nefericire, am un ten cu probleme...in ceea ce priveste tipul, este mixt...zona T cu probleme, iar in rest pielea este relativ deshidratata. Asa ca folosesc o crema pentru echilibrare. Asa scap de luciul ala nesuferit al tenului care apare de-a lungul zilei. Ma machiez dimineata, iar pozele le fac dupa-masa asa ca sunt multumita de rezultat. Ca fond de ten folosesc Teint idole ultra de la Lancome. E singurul cu care ma impac... Iti multunesc din suflet! Te pup

Ema said...

Hehe :D
Stai linistita, si eu am tenul mixt spre gras, si am pretentii mari la un fond de ten. Tipa de la Sephora mi-a zis ca cel de la Lancome, pe care il folosesti tu nu are acoperire asa de mare, e adevarat? Ca eu am avut acnee, iar acum am ramas cu cateva semne si pete.
Si poti sa-mi spui te rog si crema? Mersi frumos de raspuns, poate o sa faci si un post cu tot ce folosesti pentru ten :D
Noapte buna !

Unknown said...

Great look. I like jeans like this and right now I have one more idea to wear my own!
Fashion Friends Diary

Alina said...

Eu am avut numai experiente neplacute cu recomandarile fetelor de la Sephora. Nu am nimic cu ele, doar ca prefer sa le refuz de fiecare data cand intru in magazin. Teint idole are acoperire medie. Este foarte ok, zic eu. Le-am incercat si pe cele cu acoperire mare, dar aspectul ala de masca nu functioneaza pentru mine. Din contra, mi se pare ca scoate in evidenta toate imperfectiunile. Uite, Teint Miracle, de exemplu, tot de la Lancome are o textura ft fluida si light. Tenul iti luceste garantat pana la finalul zilei. Mi-a fost recomandat de fetele de la Sephora :) dar clar nu se potriveste tipului meu de ten. Crema pe care o folosesc este de la Guinot si se numeste Creme Pur Equilibre. Sunt ft multumita! Este perfecta pentru tenul mixt! Te pup

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