04 May 2012

Pastel Frenzy

Good morning, sweeties! 
Finally I get to enjoy some free time, today, but since I have tons of errands 
to run and places to go, I won’t exactly enjoy it at its best. Still, the weekend is here 
so we might as well act like it. So, what are your plans for the next days? 
 Me...a little work, a little fun, a little shopping, as usual. 
As for the outfit, this must be one of my favorites from this Spring. I hope you’ll like it, too! Have a wonderful weekend!

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Available for Romania, only, at the moment

Peplum top: H&M
Pants: Zara
Heels: Zara
Clutch: Accessorize
Necklace: H&M
Ring: H&M
Bracelets: Aldo


My Fashion Tale said...

Beautiful, girly and stylish! Imi place super mult!

Ewa said...

beautifull look, geat pants and nackle!



Anonymous said...

Basca - it is always feminine! Brava! Happy day to you, dear!


Denisa L said...

one perfect outfit, love the peplum top and you are gorgeous as always!

Michelle's Style File said...

Absolutely LOVE this top!


aki! said...

The soft pastels look wonderful with your bold lips and dark hair!

Alina said...

Thank you so much!xx

coco said...

iti vin minunmat !

Linda Marie Daniels said...

Wonderful spring look. Love it!

Sandra Bendre said...

Ce bine arata toate :x esti super chic Alina :)

Monique said...

Nu Stiu daca ma crezi dar m-am indragostit si eu de exact acelasi colier si clutch! La colier inca mia ezit, dar clutchul il vreau neaparat. Pacata ca pretul de 150 de lei nu e chiar mic...

Ritah Nakyeyune said...

sweet...the colors are perfectly coordinated.I like


Alina said...

Te cred, Monique! Amandoua sunt de efect. Legat de colier, eu am ezitat anul trecut cand l-au avut pe turcoaz, apoi mi-a parut rau. Asa ca de data asta am zis ca nu il mai ratez! Cu toate astea, mi-a agatat o bluza de matase de care chiar imi pare ft rau:( In ceea ce priveste clutch-ul, eu zic ca isi merita pretul. Este incapator, nu i se modifica forma si, chiar daca nu este piele (sau datorita faptului ca nu este piele...e chiar un avantaj in cazul asta) pare rezistent atat in timp, cat si la zgarieturi:)

JelenaR said...

This is so beautiful and romantic...Enjoy the beautiful day!<3

Dreaming of Chanel said...

You look like a doll , adorable look !! Love the peplum top !! xx

Alina said...

Thank you so much!xx

Ana said...

Ce culori frumoase!!! Te face asa romantica:)


Barbara Tommasin said...


Just Rock and Rose

Monique said...

Cu colierul mai convins, la clutch sa vedem cati bani mai raman la sf lunii, sau daca mai astept pana ajung in UK, poate o fi mai ieftin acolo, ca il iau direct de langa fabrica
... dar colierul e must!

B-Girl in THE B WORLD said...

I really like the clutch, the pants and the necklace!!


Alina said...

Chiar sper sa reusesti sa ti le iei pe amandoua, Monique!:*

Boheme.Fille said...

So, so pretty! I love the blouse and the color of your pants! The clutch is wonderful too!

Mag said...

such a cute outfit!xx

Call me M said...

Amazing pastel colored outfit! Lately I've been living out of pastel clothes too. hehe

Choi Olga said...

lovely pastel colors,dear~! )

Marina Rose said...

this outfit is perfect,love everything about it!!! and the necklace is fabulous,I have it too, lol! have a look at my post wearing it if you like! xo http://miouprincesslovespink.blogspot.com/2012/04/make-statement.html

Tanya C said...

wonderful outfit!


This is elegant and beautiful. You have such beautiful clothing.

Demy said...

Yeah, I think I agree with you although it is not the easiest thing to pick just one favorite look from your archives, you know. Yet, I believe that this one makes to the top list, because it's really perfect! All the pieces look amazing together. The pastel colors, the peplum top, this gorgeous necklace, everything is awesome! And I ADORE your hair so much! :*

Unknown said...

You look so nice and fresh in this girlie ensemble!

POLKA DOT. said...

I love the beautiful blouse, mint pants and the way it looks on your slim body. :)) Lovely look!

Polka dot.


Daniella said...

Lovely outfit sweetie!!! Your top is stunning! :)

Take care,Daniella xox

shopnowsavelater said...

Love this look hun! We have the same necklace too YAY! love how you wore yours! did you see the black and white striped peplum top to the one you're wearing at zara? I so see you in it! Loving the outfit by the way!

xoxo Ty

Unknown said...

style! ... this shirt is perfect! .. you really are! ..
look magical!

Jersey Blogess said...

how preeeeeetty - these colors are simply amazing - I just love the tops - send it to me...lol you look fab - the entire look is perfect.

Jessie said...

beautiful colours! i love that top!


Emanuel I. said...

Peplum rulles...

necitygirl said...

I really love those pants! Fabulous color!

I'm now following you on bloglovin! Please check out my blog and follow

Baby Budget Blog said...

Pretty in pastels! Love this!


Alina said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!I m really glad you, guys, liked it!

Unknown said...

We have the same necklace and jeans!!
Btw, you look so... sweet! All your pastels colours remind me a marshmallow! Kisses!

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

Great color combination! I love your hair like that and I also love that top!!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

Zubaida said...



ilovetrends said...

Love that look!

agnesska fashion said...

I love it! So beautiful and stylish!

Anonymous said...

Love your pants! Such a classy look!

My Own Fairytale said...

Looking pretty, love the colors!

XO Arezu

Siena in Style said...

amazing!!your best look
kiss from prague

Mia said...

amazing! love the top and loove the colours that you combine*


Alina said...

Thank you!xx

mademoiselle mode said...

Lovely pastel, you're amazing ^^

New post sweety ^^ - Kisses from France

Anonymous said...

perfetly gorgeous peplum top!

XO Sahra

Strumful said...

Iti sta foarte bine, nota 10, pe mine nu ma avantajeaza bluza, dar tie iti vine superb.

M said...

That peplum top is so much fun!

x Monique
Petite Avenue

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

You rock the peplum! It looks great on you!


Precious Deedee said...

love the top...aaa si sa nu uit colierul e superb

El blog mery of the style said...

Hello happy day...
Beautiful look and your style is fantastic.

Flaviana Boni said...

amazing dear, you looks gorgeous in pastel color!

Check out my new post!

world on high heels said...

omg! You look so beautiful! So amazing!


Prints And Roses said...

Wonderful necklace and clutch! Great choice of pastels!


Alina said...

Thank you so much, sweeties!xx

Unknown said...

Wonderful look! Great job! :)


Anonymous said...

Wish you an amazing weekend dear friend:)

Yola Thorp said...



Unknown said...

Wow you are so pretty.I love your style!
I just found your blog and I think it is amazing.I am following you now,under name Lilie Marlen,but I don't use any photos so I will be last one on your follower list.I will be honored if you come visit my blog and follow it if you like it Have a nice day
FOLLOW ---> http://liliemarlen.blogspot.com/

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NTiwow said...

Love this outfit. The colours are beautiful and you made a perfect combination wich makes every item even more prettier. Will come back to see more of you beautiful posts!
xx nonnatiwow.blogspot.com

Adina Doneanu said...

love the top, il are si fotograful meu, Silvia, e superb, mai ales inimioara din fata.

foarte draguta tinuta, Alina:*

Alina said...

Silvia il are pe cel alb fara maneci, Dinna! Din pacate, eu nu l-am gasit pe acela:(

Gabriela said...

Buna, Alina! Topul este superb!!! Il mai gasesc acum in magazin? O zi frumoasa iti doresc! Si inca ceva... Te-am vazut in Afi si arati foarte foarte bine!!! :)

Alina said...

Buna, Gabriela! In Afi? Cand anume? Nu am mai fost de ceva timp...Oh, nu ma aranjez niciodata cand merg la mall, dar iti multumesc din suflet pt compliment! Din pacate, topul nu cred ca se mai gaseste in magazine. S-a dat imediat, nu l-am mai vazut:(

Gabriela said...

Cu placere! Nu se mai gaseste in magazine, am fost mai devreme :( Ce-i drept, cred ca te-am vazut acum o luna sau poate chiar doua! :*

Alina said...

Imi pare rau! Eu il caut pe negru de o gramada de timp si n-am avut noroc:( Ah...ma miram eu!Daca ma mai vezi intamplator, da-mi un bobârnac:D Mi-ar placea sa te cunosc!

Gabriela said...

Ok, asa am sa fac! ;))


wooowww! Alina, my eyes are dazzled. You look very, very very pretty. Your peplum top and its colour is very beautiful. Your clutch is also very nice.

InADreamworld said...

just love your style:)

Ruxandra said...

Oh god... You always look gorgeous :x

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