13 January 2015

Day After Day

Good morning, guys!
 I must admit it...it’s called an addiction and it’s between me and my skirts. 
Skirt today, skirt yesterday, skirt tomorrow, and every single day.
 The question behind my outfits is not „What should I wear today?”, 
but „What should I wear with my skirt today?”. I’ve always been a skirt kinda girl, 
so it’s only obvious that they are my number one choice no matter what.
 See you tomorrow with one of my other skirts! 
Kisses, darlings

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Sweater: Zara (aw14)
Skirt: buy it here
Boots: Smiling Shoes 
Bag: Zara (aw14)
Earrings: H&M


Prints And Roses said...

love the skirt and the mini bag is so pretty!


Anonymous said...

so feminine and chic! love it!

out of topic, tot teint idole folosesti ca si fdt? arata minunat!


Pialunja said...

gorgeous boots, I would love to wear them!
Fashion latte with vanilla

Alina said...

Da, da! Sunt foarte mulțumită de el, având în vedere că am și mici probleme cu tenul. Si Poudre Universelle Libre (Chanel) peste. Este cea mai bună! Deși rezolvă problema luciului inestetic de peste zi, nu încarcă tenul. Uneori eu fac poze și după 8ore de la aplicarea machiajului si chiar arată ok 😘

Unknown said...

ce fusta frumoasa si cata zapada :)! aici nu avem nici macar un fulg de nea..


Lela said...

Day after day...you r getting more and more beautiful!!!!Gorgeous as always!!!!
Good day/kisses


I am officially addicted to your blog.

Anonymous said...

ah, multumesc mult Alina! l-am cumparat datorita tie si imi place f mult, chiar am scris si in ultima postare despre el... :D te pup

Girly said...

amazin look!!!!! xx))))

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