07 January 2014


Hi, guys! 
Here it is...the first outfit post of 2014. 
Luckily for us, but mostly me, it’s still pretty warm for this time of year, 
so I’m still able to dress like a...crazy person. The ˮmanˮ behind the camera told me 
to name this post „Live from Bahamasˮ, cause my outfit would be appropriate only 
for that weather. Anyway, what does he know?! Me...I am crazy in love with this skirt, mostly because it’s the type of item that you can easily dress up or down. 
This time I chose the comfy version, cause I had a sales shopping session ahead. 
Have a wonderful new year, darlings! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale

Behind the scenes :)

Jacket: Zara (new collection)
Skirt: Asos (aw13)
Blouse: Mango (aw13)
Biker boots: Zara (aw12)
Necklace: Motivi (new collection)
Clutch: Zara (aw11)


ana said...

biker boots zara??what the fuck??sint de la alcott.

Alina said...

Serios?! Cizmele sunt de la Zara, din colecția de anul trecut. Bine spus „What the fuck?!ˮ Exact reacția mea când ți-am citit comentariul :)

Unknown said...

Imi place la nebunie fusta! Imi place foarte mult cum ai purtat-o cu biker boots! Astept si varianta "dress up". Cu siguranta va fi la fel de frumoasa <3

Pink Wish Blog
Pink Wish Facebook

Anonymous said...

What a great outfit to ring in the new year! That skirt is fabulous! Happy 2014!

Cee. ♥
Code Overdressed

Unknown said...

Adevarul e ca esti putin crazy sa porti fusta (din cate vad fara dresuri ) dar atata timp cat te simti bine in ea si nu iti este frig , totul e ok :))
Imi place mult stilul tau :)


Anonymous said...

Îmi place ultima poză, ești tare drăguță. :D

Adina Nanes said...

Am si eu fusta asta :X Este geniala! Chiar am facut cateva poze cu ea in urma cu vreo 2 luni pe care nu am apucat sa le public pe blog inca :)))


Alberto Hugo Rojas said...

very elegant
so beautiful

Unknown said...

killer boots



Descude said...

Stai linistita,nu esti singura care umbla mai mult dezbracata pe strada iarna:D

Girly said...

stunnin look!! like so much ur last funny pic)))) xoxo))))

Jaela said...

Very cute outfit, I love it. Very cool and chic at the same time


Botine cu tinte said...

Imi plac la nebunie botinele tale cu tinte. Se aseamana putin cu ce au cei de pe http://uglyshoes.ro. Cred ca o sa-mi comand si eu o pereche. M-ai inspirat cu tinuta asta. Multumesc :)

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