04 September 2014

Kissed by the Sun

Good morning, darlings! 
I just couldn’t wait to show you this dress. It is my love, my pride and joy, my beauty.
 It’s special through its simplicity and unique through this breathtaking color. 
I’m just sorry you can’t see its true color. The sun was shining so bright and we 
literally had to juggle with a sea of brides to be able to find a little spot to take the pictures. Still, it was a pleasant afternoon and I loved every minute I had this beauty on. 
Love this romantic approach, but I somehow see it styled different next time I’ll wear it: smokey eyes and a sleek long pony tail. Yuhuuu...I’m all ready for my next wedding! 
Have a wonderful sunny day, guys! 

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Photo credits: Mia Campion Photography

Hair: Elena - Salon La belle dame
Earrings: H&M Conscious Exclusive 2014
Location: Palatul Mogoșoaia


Call me M said...

Such a gorgeous dress and photography! You look amazing!

Unknown said...


John B. Marine said...

For someone whose blog is themed for fairytales, I'm sure this fabulous dress makes you feel like a fairytale princess. This is a crazy beautiful dress you're wearing, and you look absolutely charming in it. Beautiful earrings and accessories in addition to this dress. Lovely hair and face. Amazing!


Patricia loves fashion said...

WOW!As always you look so beautiful! :))

Milica Marušić said...

Beautiful dress!

Miu Miu said...

La anul imi doream pentur cununia civila o rochie de la Lucia Maria Hohan, aceasi nuanta. O adoram. Tocmai a fost detronata. Sper sa fii draguta sa ma ajuti cu o comanda atunci, draga mea. M-ai convins. Daca o tii tot asa probabil imi vei face si rochia de mireasa :)))

Te ador, Alina, esti cea mai talentata.

te pup.


Unknown said...

Hi Alina! Idk if you remember me...I've been away (too long) from actual blogging (as I got caught up microblogging via Twitter). I am excited to rebuild my blogger network so I hope when you can find a minute you visit my blog, A Preponderance of Fashion (<a href="http://preponderance-of-fashion.blogspot.com“>http://preponderance-of-fashion.blogspot.com</a>) and let me know you passed through.

Anyway, this dress is amazing. I see what you mean about us not being able to see the actual color as it is because of the sunlight. I think darker days or oddly enough, rainy days, are best to show off actual brights on film.

Still, you look like absolute perfection. This dress is amazing! If I had it I'd twirl around in it constantly <3

Girly said...

ur soooooooo wonderful!!!! perfect maxi dress!!!! amazin hairstyle)))

Unknown said...

Siluetă, coafură, machiaj, ținută...mereu impecabile. Felicitări din nou ! Cât de rochiță, wow..^^

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