05 November 2012


Good morning, guys! 
Here is the outfit I wore yesterday, on one of the most beautiful days of November 
I have ever experienced. I’ve been searching for a pair of rubber boots since forever, 
but I failed in finding that perfect pair. The rubber was too thick or too thin, too heavy or way too...printed. It made my feet look gigantic and my legs look like sticks...
all until now when  I’ve finally found it! The perfect pair of rubber boots with gold studs! What more can I ask for?! It’s true that I’m still not excited for the upcoming 
rainy and cold season, but still. Obviously, I was extremely anxious to wear them
 and I still am, so you’ll be seeing them a lot on the blog.
 Unfortunately, the pictures haven’t turned out that great since the Sun 
was almost setting and I was experiencing the most annoying headache ever, 
but I hope you’ll like the outfit though. 
Have a wonderful week! 

Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
Instagram @mysilkfairytale


Jacket: Zara
Shirt: Zara
Dress: H&M
Boots: Alina Petcan
Handbag: Michael Kors
Ring: H&M


Manuella said...

imi place foarte mult aceasta tinuta!! mai ales ca si eu ador tintele mai mult ca oricand haha :* te pup

LOLA C. said...

Beautiful look. Today in my blog "No todo es Inditex" I hope visit my blog. Kiss from Andalucía.


farrel said...

hello.. u look very beautiful.... how much ur boots friend, i like it...

Irina said...

Foarte tari cizmele, superbe si le-am vazut in realitate, ma plimbam si eu duminica prin zona cand tu pozai :)
Esti tare frumoasa :)

Anonymous said...

Perfect boots :) Where we could buy it or order it?:)

Alina said...

Oh, Doamne, Irina...cred ca era una dintre cele mai proaste zile ale mele:-s Nu m-am sincronizat deloc cu prietenul meu, am ajuns ft tarziu la Mogosoaia, lumina era groaznica si ma durea si capul ingrozitor:( Imi pare rau daca m-ai auzit bombănind pe acolo:)) Come say hello next time! Mi-ar face placere sa te cunosc!:*

Magdalena said...

Doamne, cat de frumoasa esti! Ce-mi place tinuta ta!!
Absolut superba!

Sa ai o saptamana minunata!


Alice in vintageland said...

One of my favorite looks of yours! The boots are truly perfect! I love the plaid skirt under the leather jacket!

binti said...

wow she looks awesome.i like her jacket.

Call me M said...

Love your new rain boots, and they go perfectly with your studded jacket.

Stefy said...

Cat de frumoase sunt cizmele!!! :x Sa le porti sanatoasa si cu multa placere :*

Unknown said...

Sooo lovley!

Siena in Style said...

I love your boots!!!
kisses from milano

Alina said...

Mersi mult, Stefy!:*:*

Anonymous said...

Buna! Niciodata nu comentez dar te-am vazut in chicismo si dupa aia am inceput sa vizitez bloggul". Ce frumoasa esti ALINA. Si eu locuiesc in Spania. Ma bucur ca sant fete asa de frumoase care poate da o imagine buna despre Romania (porque,hace falta :)
O zii buna.

Sandra Bendre said...

Geaca e bestiala, iar cizmele .... de vis. Super outfit<3 pupici

Dreaming of Chanel said...

Gorgeous look !! You look lovely !! Hugs xx

Irina said...

O sa te salut data viitoare eu sunt cam shy si nu am avut curaj cat despre starea ta de spirit nu am observat nimic pt ca ma indragostisem de cizme :) Sa le porti sanatoasa si iubita :)

Alina said...

Multumesc din suflet! Nu-i nimic, si eu sunt cam la fel, ne unim forţele!:D

Anonymous said...

foarte frumoasa..esi cumva din pitesti?

Alina said...

Multumesc mult! Nu, sunt din Bucuresti:)

Alina said...

Multumesc mult! Nu, sunt din Bucuresti:)

Rach said...

in love with the boots!!!


Anonymous said...

Imi place toata tinuta. Cizmele sunt Chic, Superbe ca toate creatiile ei, ca balerinii Alina Petcan pe care mi i-am luat de pe www.welovecouture.ro

Alina said...

Si mie imi plac ft mult balerinii ei. Abia astept primavara sa-mi iau cateva perechi! Tocmai de aceea si aprob comentariul. Fara reclama mascata... Ține de common sense, zic eu:)

fashion BOOM said...

ador cizmele tale

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